Classes and Staff

Course Logistics #

Class Meetings #

This course meets on Tuesday and Friday, 10:00-11:30 AM Eastern Time, from January 21 to May 3, 2022. There may also be a final event, whose time and date will be determined later in the semester. There are a few days with no class or class on a day other than the usual days; see the Olin academic calendar for more details.

Class meetings will be on Zoom. The link is available on the course Canvas site. As an Olin student, you should have a Pro license for Zoom. If you are cross-registered and do not have an account, contact Olin IT (link to contact info).

Most class meetings will be recorded and made available to students of the course. In accordance with Massachusetts state law, you will be asked for consent when recording starts or when you join a meeting that is being recorded.

Course Tools #

This course uses Canvas for announcements, quizzes, submissions, and grades. Information not made to be shared publicly (e.g., the course Zoom link or recordings) are also there.

We use GitHub to distribute and collect work. You will need to sign up for an account if you do not have one already. We will then add your account to the Olin College GitHub organization. Students can also get some useful perks through the GitHub Student Developer Pack.

We use Slack to handle most Q&A as well as anything else that may benefit from a quicker turnaround. The link to the Slack will be posted on Canvas.

If you need help getting acquainted with any of these tools, or if you require special accommodations for any of these tools, please contact us or see our Accessibility Policy for potential solutions.

Course Staff #

Instructor: Steve Matsumoto (

Course Assistants: Navi Boyalakuntla (, Jack Greenberg (